We’ve been one of nation’s highest rated debt consolidation companies for over two decades.
We’ve been one of nation’s highest rated debt consolidation companies for over two decades.
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25 yrs.
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Have questions? Call us: 866-295-7500
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Pacific Associates | 19900 MacArthur Blvd, Suite 890, Irvine, CA 92612
Not all debts are eligible for program enrollment. Not all clients are able to complete our program for various reasons, including their ability to save sufficient funds. Clients who have made all program payments have completed and realized an average savings of 50% before our fees of 20% to 30% with our fees, over a period of 24 to 48 months. We do not guarantee your debt will be resolved by a specific amount or percentage or within a specific range of time. Examples of past performance are not intended to be a guarantee of any future settlement results. Pacific Associates assists with unsecured debt only and any use of "debt free" only applies to accounts that are enrolled and have completed our program. We do not provide tax, bankruptcy, legal advice or credit repair services. Program is not available in all states. Pacific Associates does not do business in the following states; Hawaii, Kansas, Oregon, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Washington, and Wyoming. All clients are advised to read all program materials prior to enrollment.